
Virtera selectively partners with a small group of prominent families to provide fully customized advice based on the unique needs of each family. We will work closely with the family and their tax and estate planning advisors to suit their unique needs.
Many portfolios are essentially invested in two asset classes: equities and fixed income. Alternative investments can offer a means to diversify the portfolio while improving potential returns. Virtera has the experience and expertise to source and select managers across alternative asset classes, including private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, real estate and commodities.
Families will benefit from aggregating into a single office to keep costs down, to negotiate better terms with investment managers or to meet minimum investment thresholds. However, because Virtera is committed to working with a small group of families, we will still remain small enough to access niche opportunities.
Virtera is completely independent from other financial service organizations and looks at each opportunity in your best interest. We leverage our wide network of relationships and apply a rigorous, disciplined, and transparent diligence process to identify what we believe to be best-in-class investment managers and strategies.
We believe the willingness to do things differently allows us the opportunity to outperform. We conduct our own research in order to allocate the portfolio in the best way we believe possible rather than settling for mediocrity and the perception of safety while following the herd.
30100 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 380, Pepper Pike, OH 44124